Child Development Services and Support

Inclusion Langley Society
Our efforts at Inclusion Langley Society have focused largely on how to keep as many services and programs as operational as is possible. At the same time we must focus our efforts on the health and safety of the people and families we serve as well as our employees. Please be sure to check in with program staff or leadership who will be able to provide you with program and service delivery status updates. For more information contact

Phone: 604-534-8611
Email: [email protected]

  • Child Development Services remain open at this time; however, our approach to service is changing. Consultants will be moving visits to online or over the phone in order to reduce the risk of exposure and are inviting creative ways to connect with and support families.
  • We will be re-evaluating the delivery of the Child and Youth After School Program to explore a modified, facility-based service delivery.
  • Children’s Respite services will continue where possible. Families and Care Providers are encouraged to remain in regular contact with your Coordinators.

Family Support Institute
The foundation of the Family Support Institute is peer to peer support and this has not changed during this unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our volunteer Resources Parents all have a family member with a disability and are available to support you through the challenges, uncertainties and fears you are facing. Together, we can share what is working, troubleshoot what isn’t, and brainstorm creative solutions to move our families through this troubling time.

If you would like to connect with a Resource Parent for support, you can: Call us directly: 604-540-8374 or 1-800-441-5403

Make an on-line request through the general contact form. Click here!

Centre for Child Development

Although the Langley site office is unavailable for therapy all staff are still working with the families in Langley.  Parents can call the Langley site and leave a message with their therapist.  Services will be provided either over the phone or virtually.  If they are a new client, they can self refer through the referral on our website or call the Surrey office. Langley office:  604 533 3088 Surrey office: 604 584 1361

Ministry of Children and Family Development, Child & Youth with Special Needs
Main Contact: 604-514-2711 Direct: 604 532-4998; email [email protected]  Team Lead: 778-617-2385; email [email protected] 
Click here: Special Funding Announcement

With full gratitude, we acknowledge we live and work on the traditional unceded territory of the Kwantlen, Katzie, Matsqui, and Semiahmoo First Nations. We honour the Ancestors and all relations who walked this land long before us.

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